Frete grátis ao fazer o pedido de um celular
Frete grátis ao fazer o pedido de um celular
In cased you missed the news, the new Arknights anime is indeed out and officially available to watch at Crunchyroll. We gave the game Arknights not too long ago, and with the help of one of our team members that has been a long time fan of the game, we got a good feel of the game. You can read about our impression of the game here. The short version though is that it was pretty good. After watching the first episode of the anime, we’re happy to say it’s pretty good too.
It’s always a challenge to get the right feel of the source material when you ar adapting it to a new medium, such as animation. In this case, how do you adapt a game like Arknights into an anime? Do you adapt everything? Or just parts of it?
The game is a team collecting, RPG, Tower Defense game. That’s quite a mouthful but does a decent job describing what it is. As you play the game you will collect powerful team members and will find ways to make super powerful combos with them. As you play, you’ll also get to make these team members stronger. The game play of the game though is a tower defense, where your “towers” are the team members you have been collecting. As a game, this system works really well and also helps to make the game a balanced experience for everyone. People that wish to spend lots of money for an easy game experience can and those that like a challenge and save money don’t need to spend the money to attain the same levels of success, you’ll just need to be a little more clever with your team combinations.
We only got to see a little bit of action in the first episode with most of being saved for the end so it is hard to judge how they will adapt the action style of the game in the anime. If I was a betting person though, I would bet they do something along the style of the old Code Geass anime where the main character commands his troops like they are chess pieces or combat units in a real-time-strategy game.
While action is important, it is just one important element that makes the anime great.
The game is also full of rich lore and story tell, ripe for the anime to use and make great episodes with, which appears to be exactly what they are doing. The world vibe, characters, and even opening story reused to great effect in the episode. Fans of the game will even recognize and likely enjoy the nods to the game that the anime gives, like the opening scene and how the “Doctor” has amnesia and gives orders through a phone.